I will miss you my friend!! My life is better for having known you. I will miss seeing your face light up every time you talked about your precious wife. And when you would talk about your kids. My heart is broken, but I know you are with your wife, and I couldn't be happier for you.
Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. Always had a great smile on his face and a great sense of humor. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the family.
So much love overflows for our friend Sam. His sincere smile and gentle nature will remain with us always.
Sam never had his car worked on without sharing his love for his wife! The picture he carried everywhere
would always come out and memories would be shared. Sam was a "wonderful blessing" that came into our
lives and we will cherish him always in our hearts. God has surely reunited them which was his desire. We
love you Sam!! Our sincere sysmpathy to the family. Wanda Bentley (and the crew at G.B.Repair)
Our prayers go out to the Maggio family. Mr. Maggio was a joy to visit with when he came to the church office monthly. He will be truly missed by us all. Blessings to you all from the Hoebener Family.