I remember catcheism classes at St.James, many years ago, with Miss Constanza as the teacher. Her classes were always informative and interesting. She left a lasting impression on me.My most heartfelt condolences.
My mother, Viola Holcomb was very good friends with Josephine. I remember visiting her at the rectory in Westfield.(we lived in Mayville, my mom and dad passed away in 1995) Josephine was the godmother to several of my brothers and stood up for many of us at our confirmations. Many years have passed, but I shall always remember her. Please reply if possible.
Josie had a great impact on my growing up years on Kent Street. She and my mother were very good friends from many years ago. She always "shared" her "goodies" with everyone else. Never really kept things for her own self to enjoy or use. She was a great "card recycler" before it was even popular to do, she would receive cards then cross out and resend with love to cover whatever event it was for. I will remember her with much love as she used to be.
Miss Constanza, The driving force in my Catholic upbringing. Every Monday the bus would pick us up at the school and take us to St. James. She was tough, she was strong...she was a true Catholic. Her faith was unbelieveable...and the number of lives that she touched. She will be missed. My sympathy to her family.